Twinbed-I love you three thousand times(Keno remix)
Twinbed-I love you three thousand times(Keno remix) 歌詞
Stark:Let's track this from the beginning.(史塔克:一切還得從最初說起)
If i were iron man,i'd have this girlfriend who knew my true identity.(我要是鋼鐵俠的話知道我真實身份的女朋友)
She'd be a wreck(肯定會非常糾結)
'cause she'd always be worrying that i was going to die.(因為她整天又擔心我會死掉)
Yet so proud of the man i'd become.(同時又為我感到驕傲)
I'm just not the hero type.Cleary.(很顯然我不是做英雄的料)
With this laundry list of character defects.(我有好多好多性格缺陷)
all the mistakes i've made.(還犯下了諸多的錯誤)
Jarvis,are you there?(賈維斯你在嗎?)
Jarvis:At your service,Sir.(賈維斯:隨時效勞先生)
She'd be wildly conficted(可是這種激烈的心里斗爭)
which would only make her more crazy about me.(只會讓她更加愛我)
I built this for you.(這一切是為你打造)
And when you do ,you will change the world.(到時候你就會改變世界)
What is and always will be my greatest creation...(我最偉大的創作永遠)
is you.(只有你)
Stark:Maybe your army will comes.(史塔克:也許你的軍隊會來)
Maybe it's too much.(也許多到我們打不過)
But it's all on you.(但是我們都會來找你)
Jarvis,put everything we got into the thrusters.(賈維斯所有的能源送進推進器)
Jarvis:Stark,you know that's a one -way trip.(賈維斯:史塔克你有可能有去無回)
Stark:Save the rest for the turn,J.(史塔克:把能量都用來轉彎老賈)
I don't want to hear ''The man was not meant to meddle'' medley.(我不想听到'誰是誰非'之類的廢話)
I see a suit of armor around the world. (我要給這個世界穿上鎧甲)
Hulk:Sounds like a cold world,Tony.(浩克:你的世界有點冷漠托尼)
Stark:I've seen cloder.We're the Avangers (史塔克:我見過更冷的我們是複仇者)
How were you guys planning on beating that?(下一次我們怎麼打敗他們)
We'll lose.(我們可能會輸)
Then we'll do that together,too.(那我們就一起輸)
Stark:That Thanos has benninside my head for six years.(史塔克:我已經痛恨滅霸六年)
Since he sent an army to New York and now he's back.(從他派軍隊到紐約開始現在他回來了)
And i don't know what to do.(我束手無策)
So i'm not so sure if it's a better plan to fight him on our turf or his.(所以我不確定我們是不是該在他的地盤上對抗他)
but you saw that they did,what they can do.(但是你看到了他們的手段他們的能耐)
Parker:I don't wanna go.I don 't wanna go,sir.Please.(帕克:我不想離開我不想消失求你了)
Please,I don't wanna go.(求求你了我不想離開)
Stark:Just' cause i'll probably not make it back for a while.(史塔克:我應該趕不回去了)
I'm sorry,I don't know what to say.(對不起我不知道該說什麼)
Pepper:Come back here,Tony,I swear to God.(小辣椒:快回來托尼拜託)
Pepper :Back here right now,Come back.(小辣椒:馬上回來快回來)
Stark:You've taken suck good care of me.(史塔克:你一直把我照顧得很好)
I've been in a tough spot,but you got me through it ,so..(我每次有困難你都會救我)
Stark: It's Peps(史塔克:小辣椒)
When i dream lost i would dream about with you.(當我離開之際我會在夢中見到你)
Always you.(一直以來都是你)
I love you three thousand(愛你三千遍)