It's The DJ
Ron CarrollThe Prince Karma
It's The DJ 歌詞
It was about 30 years ago
1982.. Chicago
A guy was playing
He had all these girls around
I 'm like.. How this dude..
Get all these girls around?
I see...
Its the deejay!
So i ve decided
I threw my first house party
Ron carrol is a deejay
Come hear me play in my basement
Everyone comes over from the neighborhood
A shitshow.. Terrible
“oh you cant deejay.. We thought you can deejay..”
I said “ok!”
Is the deejay!
First time i come to europe
I 'm in ibiza
Roger sanchez is playing
I said.. “roger”
“i got this record”
“i need you to play it”
“trust me.. The pennies gonna drop”
He is like.. “alright ”
I said.. Yeah! Damn it! Roger!
I love you!
“oh ..where are you from?”
Is the deejay!