Boyd's Boogie Woogie
The Dirty Dozen
The Dirty Dozen No. 2
Wilkins Street Stomp
Wilkins Street Stomp
the dirty dozen
the dirty dozen
red sown blues
after dinner blues
if you've ever been down
Speckled Red熱門專輯
the roots of rap: classic recordings from the 1920是 30是
barrelhouse, blues boogie W OO跟IE Vol. II
Blues Masters Vol. 11
Mama Don’t Allow No Easy Riders Here: Classic Piano Rags, Blues, & Stomps 1928-35
Speckled Red 1929-1938
Barrelhouse, Blues & Boogie Woogie Vol. II
The Dirty Dozens
Boogie Woogie Beat
Remastered Collection
The Kings Of Blues
Genius of Boogie Woogie
The Roots Of Rap: Classic Recordings From The 1920s & 30s
The History of Rhythm and Blues 1925 - 1942
Jazz Piano History (01-10)