Berislav Klobucar SMETANA, B.: Bartered Bride (The) [Opera] (Sung in German) (Braun, Konetzni, Vienna State Opera Chorus and Orchestra, Klobučar)


SMETANA, B.: Bartered Bride (The) [Opera] (Sung in German) (Braun, Konetzni, Vienna State Opera Chorus and Orchestra, Klobučar)

歌手• Berislav Klobucar/

  1. Prodana nevesta (The Bartered Bride) (Sung in German):Act II: Welch' Gottesgabe ist das Bier (Hans, Kecal, Chorus)
  2. Prodana nevesta (The Bartered Bride) (Sung in German):Act III: Ei-ei-ei-ei, da-das ist herrlich (Wenzel, Esmeralda, Indianer, Direktor)
  3. Prodana nevesta (The Bartered Bride) (Sung in German):Act I: Warum soltten wir nicht froh sein? (Chorus)
  4. Prodana nevesta (The Bartered Bride) (Sung in German):Act I: Finale: Polka - Heissa, Mudel, tanz die Polka! (Chorus)
  5. Prodana nevesta (The Bartered Bride) (Sung in German):Act III: Na, mein Lieber, sagt, euch gefallt wohl Esmeralda (Direktor, Wenzel, Esmeralda)
  6. Prodana nevesta (The Bartered Bride) (Sung in German):Act II: Nun, mein Freundchen, hor doch zu (Kecal, Hans)
  7. Prodana nevesta (The Bartered Bride) (Sung in German):Act II: Wart nur, wart, bis die Augen dir aufgehn (Hans)
  8. Prodana nevesta (The Bartered Bride) (Sung in German):Act I: Wenn ich das einmal erfahre (Marie)
  9. Prodana nevesta (The Bartered Bride) (Sung in German):Act III: Springtanz - Ballett und Vorfuhrungen der Wandertruppe
  10. pro但A呢Vesta (the bartered bride) (sun ginger man):act II: SEI DI HR暱稱T的人bra UT IGA MV喔NK入手China是Marie陳? (Marie, wen在El)
  11. pro但A呢Vesta (the bartered bride) (sun ginger man):act i: EI, 打開哦MM提示IE! (KE cal, K乳Sina, Ludmilla, Marie)
  12. pro但A呢Vesta (the bartered bride) (sun ginger man):act II: MA-美女mutter雷諾哈-hat組Mir個SA跟她 (wen在El)
  13. pro但A呢Vesta (the bartered bride) (sun ginger man):overture
  14. pro但A呢Vesta (the bartered bride) (sun ginger man):act III: NE in, 內能, 大S剛來AU BI承諾IE嗎LS (Marie, K乳Sina, KE cal, l UD蜜拉, wen在El, ha
  15. pro但A呢Vesta (the bartered bride) (sun ginger man):act III: WA-瓦瑟瑟olli觸怒人嗎-馬辰? (wen在El)
  16. pro但A呢Vesta (the bartered bride) (sun ginger man):act III: finale: SA guns, 位IE和AST due NTSC Hi Eden, Marie? (all)
  17. pro但A呢Vesta (the bartered bride) (sun ginger man):act II: finale: KO MM天怒RH err輸出aft恩! (KE cal, Hans, K乳Sina, chorus)
  18. pro但A呢Vesta (the bartered bride) (sun ginger man):act III: Marie, 沒NS chat中! (Hans, Marie, KE cal)
  19. pro但A呢Vesta (the bartered bride) (sun ginger man):act i: Weiss你傳統馬來, 我和R都KO MM身體! … mutter色根樹杈紛紛調低RH EI mat (Marie, Hans)
  20. pro但A呢Vesta (the bartered bride) (sun ginger man):act i: sage Mir, 每年列表ERS查同治 (Hans, Marie, chorus)
  21. pro但A呢Vesta (the bartered bride) (sun ginger man):act i: ha辦事處one NTSC Hi Eden (Marie, KE cal, K乳Sina, Ludmilla)
  22. pro但A呢Vesta (the bartered bride) (sun ginger man):act II: wen年度Mir碟Marie SEI N拉手剎套 (KE cal, Hans)
  23. pro但A呢Vesta (the bartered bride) (sun ginger man):act III: O, TUT打SW E含量 … me in lie best RA um, 位IE war而so輸出on! (Marie)
  24. pro但A呢Vesta (the bartered bride) (sun ginger man):act II: w IE個SA跟她, 四EI St Jung, hubs chu女的AR被他Sam (KE cal, Hans)
  25. Prodana nevesta (The Bartered Bride) (Sung in German):Act II: Ich weiss ein Mudel, das hat Dukaten (Kecal, Hans)
  26. Prodana nevesta (The Bartered Bride) (Sung in German):Act III: Oh, ich U-u-ungluckswurm (Wenzel, Hata, Kecal, Micha)
  27. Prodana nevesta (The Bartered Bride) (Sung in German):Act III: Komodlanten-Marsch - Fanfare! - Hiermit tun wir dem hochedlen Publikum kund (Direktor)
  28. Prodana nevesta (The Bartered Bride) (Sung in German):Act II: Furiant
  29. Prodana nevesta (The Bartered Bride) (Sung in German):Act III: Ein gar husbsches Tierchen (Esmeralda, Direktor)
  30. Prodana nevesta (The Bartered Bride) (Sung in German):Act II: Ene ist mir gut bekannt (Marie, Wenzel)
  31. Prodana nevesta (The Bartered Bride) (Sung in German):Act I: Wie ich sagte, Herr Gevatter (Kecal, Krusina, Ludmilla)

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