fla V our of the old school (with T和Leo green orchestra) [live ATT和Royal festival hall]
Beverley Knight
fla V our of the old school (with T和Leo green orchestra) [live ATT和Royal festival hall] 歌詞
編曲: Callum Au
指揮家: Leo Green
鋼琴: Ashley Kingsley
小號: Alex Maynard/Dan Carpenter/Matt Holland
中提琴: Ben Harrison/Jennifer Ames/Sophie Broadbent
貝斯: Dave Troke
吉他: Adam Goldsmith/Paul Stacey
長號: Barnaby Dickinson
監製: Beverley Knight/Dave Woolf/Munro Craig
和聲: Aaron Sokell/Billie Godfrey/Bryan Chambers/ Janet Ramus
大提琴: Dominic Pecheur/Kirsten Jenson
混音: Antony Shaw/Gareth Iles
鼓: Ed Richardson
打擊樂: Tristan Banks
小提琴: Charis Jenson/Clare Kennington/Dan Oates/Elise Harper/Katie Sharp/Miles Brett/Rosie Judge/Sam Kennedy/Tina Jacobs Lim
薩克斯: George Millard/Leo Richardson
弦樂團: The Leo Green Orchestra
木吉他: Alex Dankworth
母帶工程師: Antony Shaw/Gareth Iles
人聲: Beverley Knight