Economys fake anyway 經濟騙局
牙齦出血 Gum Bleed
Economys fake anyway 經濟騙局 歌詞
Struggle turns to market 鬥爭變成市場
Politics a business 政治是樁生意
People on high level said: 高高在上的人們說:
'Thats not enough!' “這還遠不夠!”
Cover by the money 被金錢覆蓋
Cover by the profits 被利潤覆蓋
Greedy meat eater said: 殘忍的肉食者說:
'Thats human nature!' “這是人的本性!”
Economy fakes anyway 經濟騙局
Cheaper than the machines 賤於機器
Cheaper than the live stocks 賤於牲畜
We were betrayed by nation but: 我們被出賣但:
“Enough is enough ! “ “受夠了就是受夠了!”
Used to be no words 曾無語
Used to be no face 曾無言
We were zero in history but: 我們曾是空白但:
“We won be silence!” “我們將不再沉默!”
We wont calculate anyway 我們將不算計
We wont produce anyway 我們將不生產
We wont buy you anything 我們將不買
We wont sell you anything 我們將不賣
Expose the truth 揭示真相
Cynicism 犬儒主義
Egoism 利己主義
Deferential to yield 恭順就範
Enough for us 對我們來說已足夠
We won't buy you 我們將不買
We won't sell you 我們將不賣