cover by rannywakingup
Everybody see me with the big house (不会真以为我有钱吧)
They just wanna pick out (说个der说)
18 see me on the stage stand out(我18岁开第一场演出)
That shit ain’t my parents give me(你行吗你)
I go bottom to the top who else (我直接起飞还有谁?)
Hiding u can’t see me u can see a semi (你丫懂啥叫gangsta吗)
Trap between the frequency (我反复横跳)
Views became steamy (你抓不住我的)
Everybody trynna control me (都想来说一嘴)
Now what u gotta say(你有啥可说的)
Everybody trynna find the key(都做明星梦)
They never find the way(都没明星命)
I know I’m chosen I’m the only one (而我出生就是明星)
Someone gotta pick me(c位出道gkd)
Full speed chasing my dream quickly (原地起飞快的一批)
Cold heart never gonna hesitate (做事犹豫的是老爷们吗)
Cold water flushing my body keep me awake(冲个冷水澡我真精神)
We all wish for the better day(明天是个好日子)
True legend passed out only we can pray (离开的传奇们rip)
homies I won’t betray they make the best of me (家人们成就了现在的我 shout out to tc hoo)
Codeine I sipped before bring me to the fantasy(别干不该干的事奥铁子们)
Ease pain I choose music the way it goes quickly (郁闷的时候就做点快乐小曲)
Flows in my body feeling like a robbery (太舒服啦家人们)
Everybody see me with the big house (不会真以为我有钱吧)
They just wanna pick out (说个der说)
18 see me on the stage stand out(我18岁开第一场演出)
That shit ain’t my parents give me(你行吗你)
I go bottom to the top who else (我直接起飞还有谁?)
Hiding u can’t see me u can see a semi (你丫懂啥叫gangsta吗)
Trap between the frequency (我反复横跳)
Views became steamy (你抓不住我的)
街道上的轰鸣 shawty can u see me
all the lady为我发出尖叫
I’m always flexing (我狂拽酷炫)
My girls are so sexy(我女朋友真好看诶嘿嘿)
But u never understand me (你丫懂我吗)
Everybody see me with the big house (不会真以为我有钱吧)
They just wanna pick out (说个der说)
18 see me on the stage stand out(我18岁开第一场演出)
That shit ain’t my parents give me(你行吗你)
I go bottom to the top who else (我直接起飞还有谁?)
Hiding u can’t see me u can see a semi (你丫懂啥叫gangsta吗)
Trap between the frequency (我反复横跳)
Views became steamy (你抓不住我的)