拥抱世界拥抱你(2017台北世界大学运动会主题曲版) 歌词
(排湾族语)i u giugi senasena i
Let's sing and dance together
张开你的双手 让我拥抱你
Open your arms and let me embrace you
尽情享受远方 温暖的友谊
To share the warmth of friendship
围着圈圈跳舞 拉近了距离
Let's make a circle and dance! No more distance between you and me
让我们都看见 善良与美丽
We can gaze deeply upon kindness and beauty
你是永恒太阳 高挂天际
You are my eternal sun, lighting my horizon
满腔热情藏在 深邃眼睛里
With passion bursting from your eyes
像自由鸟儿 带着勇气
Like a glorious bird, roaming free
Taking flight above verdant mountains, soaring through azure skies.
感受彼此气息 相聚在一起
Let's feel each other's presence, together at last
我沸腾的血液 也跟着旋律
My blood rushes to the melody
拉近你我距离 不要再犹豫
Come closer, do not hesitate
大声告诉世界 你来自哪里
To tell the world where you are from!
你是永恒太阳 高挂天际
You are my eternal sun, lighting my horizon
满腔热情藏在 深邃眼睛里
With passion bursting from your eyes
像自由鸟儿 带着勇气
Like a glorious bird, roaming free
Taking flight above verdant mountains, soaring through azure skies.