Only Water
Only Water 歌词
Lifeless and lazy, the boundaries are fading
一片懒意死寂 物我界线再难清晰
The hounds have all gone crazy, howling at the breakers
犬吠狂乱蜂起 问谁扰了本来安谧
The waves they lap and sway in, childhood-like elated
原是惊涛拍进了岸里 耍着孩童一般闹腾气
Dried out and misshapen, California's shaking
或是久旱生出了怪异 害得整个加州尽颤栗 (该句中dired out双关“戒酒”之意,而wet组合主张迷幻奇异的音乐个性,酒自然是其中必不可少之物,因此“戒酒”所象征之含义于他们而言更是如dired out一般难熬,联系上下文看,“酒”或许便是the holy/only water之所指)
For that holy, holy water
只求圣水 求圣水
For that holy, holy water
只求圣水 求圣水
I went down to the river to redirect my heart
我浸入河川深处 只为涤荡再得心疏
I went down to the river to resurrect my body
我游入河川深处 只为浴身以获净复
I went down to the river to wash away this loneliness
我沉入河川深处 只为流水逝了闷苦 洗去我满腹 孤独
This loneliness
孤 独
This loneliness
孤 独
Say it, just say it, forgiven and forsaken
说心道意 原谅了自己好放弃
Drive out just to fake it, childhood like elated
遇事就驾车逃离 真是孩童一般顽劣气
Believers want salvation, they tell you just keep praying
信徒只求神助力 还劝别人把祷好好祈
But it’s only, only water
只留剩水 留剩水
But it’s only, only water
只留剩水 留剩水
I went down to the river to redirect my heart
我浸入河川深处 只为涤荡再得心疏
I went down to the river to resurrect my body
我游入河川深处 只为浴身以获净复
I went down to the river to wash away this loneliness
我沉入河川深处 只为流水逝了闷苦 洗去我满腹 孤独
I went down to the river to redirect my heart
我浸入河川深处 只为涤荡再得心疏
I went down to the river to resurrect my body
我游入河川深处 只为浴身以获净复
I went down to the river to wash away this loneliness
我沉入河川深处 只为流水逝了闷苦 洗去我满腹 孤独
This loneliness
孤 独
This loneliness
孤 独
This loneliness
孤 独
This loneliness
孤 独