Everything is up to me
I can't blame no you anybody
I don't want to give up on leaving here
we can new life Diamond chxxl young
We are new hight Diamond chxxl young
Diamond chxxl young Diamond chxxl young
Diamond chxxl young Diamond chxxl young
Diamond chxxl young Diamond chxxl young
Diamond chxxl young Diamond chxxl young
Diamond chxxl young Diamond chxxl young
we can new life Diamond chxxl young
We are new hight Diamond chxxl young
hug me hug me i want you
hurt me hurt me i know you
打开微信 找到了你 换了头像 吸引注意
这一切存在我的 脑海里 梦中苏醒
那个女孩就像 被宠的你 得意忘形
曾跟我勾手 不偷偷喝酒
现在的你 却 又在哪里
如今我的爱无法收回 你却在红尘周围
爱恨交加 无法表达
让我难过 心情落魄
让我伤心 直线坠落
让我坠毁 变得懦弱baby
Everything is up to me
I can't blame no you anybody
I don't want to give up on leaving here
we can new life Diamond chxxl young
We are new hight Diamond chxxl young
Diamond chxxl young Diamond chxxl young
Diamond chxxl young Diamond chxxl young
Diamond chxxl young Diamond chxxl young
Diamond chxxl young Diamond chxxl young
Diamond chxxl young Diamond chxxl young
we can new life Diamond chxxl young
We are new hight Diamond chxxl young
champion champion champion way ye ye
Living Living Living. long ye ye
nobody know you name
but told you anything
就算 输掉全世界 我也不需要 任何人 可怜
抑郁的 每个日夜 也习惯了朋友之间的笑点
I know what did it. 但 你却 还是 don't know me
为了我自己 I fousc Handle it. em
其实也是 很想得到 你
困难在大 都会handle it
变的懦弱 也是因为 你
把我丢下 选择也是 你
my new life was do
warm heart because you
my new life was do
warm heart because you
Everything is up to me
I can't blame no you anybody
I don't want to give up on leaving here
we can new life Diamond chxxl young
We are new hight Diamond chxxl young
Diamond chxxl young Diamond chxxl young
Diamond chxxl young Diamond chxxl young
Diamond chxxl young Diamond chxxl young
Diamond chxxl young Diamond chxxl young
Diamond chxxl young Diamond chxxl young
we can new life Diamond chxxl young
We are new hight Diamond chxxl young