Alan Stivell 歌曲列表

  1. Pourquoi es-tu venu si tard ? [Éamonn an chnoic II] Alan Stivell
  2. Bro gozh ma zadoù Alan Stivell
  3. Kost Ar C'hoad Alan Stivell
  4. Una Bhan (Ouna La Blanche) Alan Stivell
  5. Sally Free and Easy Alan Stivell
  6. E parrez langonned Alan Stivell
  7. 'Tal An Tan (In Front Of The Fire-Place) Alan Stivell
  8. Sagart o'donaill Alan Stivell
  9. Ne bado ket atao Alan Stivell
  10. Ar Wezenn Awaloù (The Apple Tree) Alan Stivell
  11. A United Earth I Alan Stivell
  12. Airde Cuan Alan Stivell
  13. The Foggy Dew Alan Stivell
  14. Brian Boru Alan Stivell
  15. Tour An Arvor (A) (La tour d'Armor) Alan Stivell
  16. Eamonn An Cnuic Alan Stivell
  17. Au-Del Des 9 Vagues (Dar noi tonna) Alan Stivell
  18. Je Suis Ne au Milieu de La Mer Alan Stivell
  19. Tha Mi Sgith Alan Stivell
  20. Broceliande Alan Stivell
  21. Le Pacte (Comflaithius) Alan Stivell
  22. Extraits De Manuscrits Gallois: Ap Huw Et Penlyn Alan Stivell
  23. Les Peuples Dieux De Dana (Tuatha Dé Danann) Alan Stivell
  24. Trinquons Nos Verres (Let's Clink Glasses) Alan Stivell
  25. Marv Pontkalleg Alan Stivell
  26. Slán Chearbhallain (The O' Caralan Farewell) Alan Stivell
  27. Brezhoneg'raok Alan Stivell
  28. Suite Irlandaise Alan Stivell
  29. Ys Alan Stivell
  30. Eireog Shineidin (Jenny's chicken reel) Alan Stivell
  31. Tri Martolod Alan Stivell
  32. Tri Martolod Alan Stivell
  33. Le Songe d'Angus (Aisling Aengusa) Alan Stivell
  34. Harpe de vies Alan Stivell
  35. Jenovefa Alan Stivell
  36. Marc'heien (Chevaliers) Alan Stivell
  37. Can y Melinydd Alan Stivell
  38. Dagda & Morrigan Alan Stivell
  39. An Try Marrak (The Three Knights) Alan Stivell
  40. An Durzhunel Alan Stivell
  41. Son Ar Chistr - My cheers To You ! Alan Stivell
  42. Warlec'h Koan (After Diner) Alan Stivell
  43. Barn (Condamnation) Alan Stivell
  44. E kreiz hag endro Alan Stivell
  45. Armoricaine (suite) Alan Stivell
  46. Eliz Iza Alan Stivell
  47. Vers les îles et villes de verre Alan Stivell
  48. Rock harp Alan Stivell
  49. La Celtie & l'Infini [C] Alan Stivell
  50. La hargne au coeur (Liberté armorique) Alan Stivell