Philip Potter歌曲列表
Philip Potter 歌曲列表
17. You may go for you're at liberty
Philip Potter
12. The world is but a broken toy
Philip Potter
"Comes the pretty young bride":"'Tis said to you" - "Hold pretty one!"
Philip Potter
25. All is prepared
Philip Potter
20. Then Frederic
Philip Potter
24. Away away my heart's on fire
Philip Potter
"Hark! What was that sir?":"Who fired that shot?" "Like a ghost his vigil keeping..." - &quo
Philip Potter
10. Gently gently evidently
Philip Potter
7. Oh is there not one maiden breast
Philip Potter
"Oh Sergeant Meryll" - "Ye Tower Warders" - "Leonard Meryll!" - "Forbear my friends&
Philip Potter
18. Oh joy! Our chief is sav'd
Philip Potter
18. Pray observe the magnanimity
Philip Potter
11. How beautifully blue the sky
Philip Potter
39. Poor wand'ring ones though ye have surely straye
Philip Potter
"Is life a boon?"
Philip Potter
27. Ah leave me not to pine alone and desolate
Philip Potter
23. When you had left our pirate fold
Philip Potter
12. Stay we must not lose our senses
Philip Potter
16. Hail Poetry thou heav'n born maid!
Philip Potter
34. Hush! Hush! Not a word
Philip Potter
36. Now what is this and what is that
Philip Potter
3. Today we meet...Ida was a twelve:month old
Philip Potter
13. A lady fair of lineage high
Philip Potter
22. Now for the pirates lair!
Philip Potter
6. P'raps if you address the lady most politely
Philip Potter
"A man who would woo a fair maid"
Philip Potter
"Strange adventure!"
Philip Potter
"When a wooer goes a:wooing"
Philip Potter
4. Oh false one you have deceived me
Philip Potter
6. Stop! ladies pray! A man!
Philip Potter
"Free from his fetters grim"
Philip Potter
26. Stay Fred'ric stay!
Philip Potter
The woman of the wisest wit
Philip Potter
11. I am a maiden cold and stately
Philip Potter