鷺巣詩郎 BLACK BULLET Original Soundtrack -OUTTAKES-


BLACK BULLET Original Soundtrack -OUTTAKES-

歌手• 鷺巣詩郎/

  1. Lament of the Black Bullet
  2. Monolith -acappella-
  3. Monolith -alterna-
  4. Monolith -the threat-
  5. Tokyo 2031
  6. Crisis Point -ascension-
  7. Aldebaran -acappella-
  8. Bridge of the Heavens -alterna-
  9. Her Sovereignty
  10. Crisis Point -descension-
  11. Rains of Sorrow
  12. Tokyo Shuffle
  13. Owlhunt
  14. In from the Dark
  15. Monolith -disintegration-
  16. dream alterna
  17. Aldebaran -alterna-
  18. and then...
  19. Model Trickster 168
  20. Making Peace
  21. Pandemic
  22. Tokyo 2021 -alterna-
  23. dream vox
  24. Tokyo State of Mind
  25. Lament of the Deprived
