约书亚乐团 (Joshua Band) 爱赢了



歌手• 约书亚乐团/

  1. 爱赢了 Let Love Win
  2. 安静知道 Be Still
  3. 听见你呼唤I Hear You Calling
  4. 医治这地Heal Our Land
  5. 耶稣唯有你Jesus It Is You
  6. 更深呼求Deep Cries Out
  7. 因为你真好You Are Good
  8. 你真好You Are Good (Gateway)
  9. 来跳舞Dance Now
  10. 祢真好You Are Good (Planetshakers)
  11. 凡事都有可能Nothing Is Impossible
  12. 耶稣你是中心Jesus at the Center

约书亚乐团 (Joshua Band)专辑列表