Salisbury Cathedral Choir 歌曲列表

  1. And When the Builders: Anthem Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  2. Psalm 122 Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  3. Third Mass of Christmas according to Salisbury Use (Sarum rite):Sequence Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  4. Missa Cantate Chant for the Third Mass of Christmas:Credo Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  5. Third Mass of Christmas according to Salisbury Use (Sarum rite):Collect Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  6. First Lesson Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  7. Coronation Te Deum Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  8. Third Mass of Christmas according to Salisbury Use (Sarum rite):Lesson Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  9. Third Mass of Christmas according to Salisbury Use (Sarum rite):CommunioPostcommunioIte missa est Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  10. Blessing and Amen Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  11. Prelude and Fugue in B Minor, BWV 544 Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  12. Third Mass of Christmas according to Salisbury Use (Sarum rite):Procession before the Third Mass of x-mas Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  13. Quatre motets pour le temps de Noël, FP 152:I. O magnum mysterium Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  14. Third Mass of Christmas according to Salisbury Use (Sarum rite):Gospel Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  15. Second Lesson Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  16. Coronation Te Deum Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  17. Creed Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  18. The Lord's Prayer: Responses Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  19. lord of the worlds above Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  20. I was glad Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  21. third mass of Christmas according to Salisbury use (Sarum日特):kyrie "deus creator OM紐曼" Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  22. third mass of Christmas according to Salisbury use (Sarum日特):antiphon "ho碟Christ US Nat uses T" Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  23. coronation Ted EU M Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  24. MissA can Tate chant fort和third mass of Christmas:Gloria Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  25. prayers Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  26. when i survey the wondrous cross Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  27. locus is特, WA B 23: introit Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  28. MissA can Tate chant fort和third mass of Christmas:sanctus Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  29. third mass of Christmas according to Salisbury use (Sarum日特):gradual "vi的run Tom NES fines Terra E" Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  30. MissA can Tate chant fort和third mass of Christmas:Benedict US Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  31. third mass of Christmas according to Salisbury use (Sarum日特):alleluia Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  32. third mass of Christmas according to Salisbury use (Sarum日特):E pis tel Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  33. MissA can Tate chant fort和third mass of Christmas:agnus dei Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  34. litany of the holy spirit Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  35. Preces and Responses Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  36. Third Mass of Christmas according to Salisbury Use (Sarum rite):Offertory Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  37. Verbum caro Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  38. Organ Voluntary: Prelude in G Major Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  39. Psalm 84 Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  40. Third Mass of Christmas according to Salisbury Use (Sarum rite):Pater noster Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  41. Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in D Major: Magnificat Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  42. Third Mass of Christmas according to Salisbury Use (Sarum rite):Introitus "Puer natus est nobis" Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  43. Third Mass of Christmas according to Salisbury Use (Sarum rite):SecretPreface Salisbury Cathedral Choir
  44. Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in D Major: Nunc Dimittis Salisbury Cathedral Choir